How Should I Exercise After My Liposuction?

2 Minute Read: There is a common misconception that, when fat is removed from one area through liposuction, the fat is not gone for good. Instead, this statement claims that the fat is only moved to a different area of the body. This misconception is just that: a misconception. Not only are fat cells removed […]
Read MoreLiposuction is one of the leading forms of cosmetic surgery and is for fairly obvious reasons. Liposuction sculpts your body and gets rid of stubborn pockets of fat in little time and with minimal discomfort. While the concept of liposuction is straightforward, there are still some misconceptions and questions about this procedure. Is liposuction right […]
Read MoreMost women know the term “stomach pooch” all too well: those stubborn pockets of fat in the lower abdomen that no amount of dieting, sit-ups, or cardio can remove. Most women have some extent of a stomach pooch after having children from a separation of the six-pack muscles. There are simply certain areas of your […]
Read MoreWhen plastic surgery comes to mind, liposuction is a procedure everyone has come to know. Even as new plastic surgery trends make their way in the cosmetic market, liposuction remains one of the top requested procedures. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery statistics, more than 400,000 people underwent liposuction surgery last year. […]
Read MorePlastic surgery continues to maintain its popularity due to the constant expectations created by society to look young and refreshed. Both men and women seek out plastic surgery every year to increase their confidence and restore their appearance. So, what are the primary procedures people are undergoing? According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic […]
Read MoreSpring is here, and summer is right around the corner, which means it is almost time to bust out the bikini. Many women may be “pinching” areas of the body and noticing that they have packed on additional weight over the last year. Wearing summer fashions such as bathing suits or shorts can be unflattering […]
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